Friday, 7 June 2024

Reasons behind BJP’s Bengal Debacle

BJP's defeat in the 2024 West Bengal Lok Sabha election is an electoral wonder for many politics-conscious persons in India and West Bengal. BJP has had a serious setback to the recently declared Lok Sabha election result 2024, managed to bag only 12 seats which was a drop of 6 seats from 2019 when BJP completed the count with 18 winning seats. The TMC improved its performance and enhanced its tally from 22 Lok Sabha seats in 2019 to 29 seats in 2024. There might be a lot of reasons and factors that might lie behind the BJP's defeat in West Bengal.

However, as the most prominent factors and reasons we might find these.

Have a look at the points mentioned below:

Poor organization

BJP has a weak organization in West Bengal with many internal conflicts. Lobbying, bypassing the real talents and dedicated workers, with some like-minded persons at multiple levels and running a parallel organization has been a bane to the party. One leader did not respect his co-leaders and tried to surpass talented workers and active party members by doing something wrong, keeping them in the dark. Higher authorities treated grassroots-level leaders as the beast of burden.

Leaders at block and district labels needed grass-root label leaders or karyakartas only when they needed to show good numbers in various processions, programs, rallies, and activities. They took their pictures and sent those to high commands to prove that the activities were successful and all money allotted for the programs was spent. They were more interested in showing their activities by clicking pictures rather than working honestly and silently for the party to bring it to a good position. They were more interested in their political career growth rather than achieving stable growth and development for the party.

They did not offer transportation facilities and refreshments to the booth-level workers coming from a distant village or town to attend a program.  High-level leaders did not communicate with the grassroots-level leaders and local people. They always have kept a safe distance and avoided them. They did not communicate with them and discussed nothing when they took important decisions like finalizing a candidate's name for the Lok Sabha election.  

Failure in manipulation, motivation and social penetration

No strong supply chain and organized workers who can play an important role in the election journey from the time of election declaration to the result. There are many phases in this journey pre, during and post-election. In the preliminary stage, grassroots-level workers must communicate with local people and execute everything required for building good community relations. They must organize many social responsibility programs and other awareness programs about the central government projects for manipulation, motivation and social penetration so that they cast their vote for the BJP. Lack of communication and coordination between high-level and low-level leaders dismissed the chances of bringing the beneficiaries of central government projects in many awareness programs to remind them about the facilities they are enjoying from central government projects that can motivate them to cast their votes for BJP. Thus, the BJP has missed a great opportunity to reap the rich harvest of these.  They failed to create aware people and good voters for them.

Due to poor communication with end people and a lack of coordination in various levels of leadership, the BJP failed to perform well in the latest Lok Sabha election     

Leaders should take measured steps so that voters nurture a good image for the BJP and carry the same in the core of their hearts till they reach before the EVM for casting their votes.

Inability in data mining and data analysis

Poor organization, internal conflicts and the gap between the BJP party and end people did not enable them to collect adequate data through various surveys and sampling that can help them understand probable booth-wise vote percentages in the upcoming elections. On the other hand, TMC received a professional company, data analysts and data mining experts to understand upcoming vote percentages and anti-incumbency against a sitting TMC MP. Based on the collected data, TMC changed its candidate and nominated many new faces. Bengal BJP accepted the rejected TMC MPs and leaders and nominated them for their candidates in Lok Sabha Elections 2024, bringing the TMC anti-incumbency in their favour. This is one of the main reasons for BJP's Bengal debacle.

Failed to address the local issues

As there was a communication and coordination gap between the high-level leaders and grassroots-level leaders (responsible for getting in touch with local people), the BJP failed to address the local issues that could be a deciding factor for a block or an assembly. High-level leaders failed to include local issues in important decision-making and agenda-setting for the Lok Sabha election campaign.

Leadership Failure

This is probably the main reason for BJP's failure in Bengal. Many high-label BJP leaders in Bengal are ineligible. They do not deserve the designations offered to them. They failed to understand the potentiality and specific quality of a new and young leader. Although a few senior leaders who understood the new talents and abilities of the fresh and young leaders, tried their level best to suppress them, getting scared of losing their positions and designations. Instead of encouraging them, senior leaders left no stone unturned to make junior and new leaders null and void. 

The BJP lacked proper coherence in their political and election campaign in Bengal due to the lack of a mass leader. It has hurt the party very much.

No participatory model for sharing and exchanging opinions

Senior and high-level BJP leaders did not follow any participatory model and encouraged no low-level leaders to share and exchange their opinions with them. They forcefully imposed their opinion and decisions on the bottom-line leadership team and compelled them to accept their decisions. The bottom-line leadership team worked for the party not by choice but by compulsion. There is only a top-down structure for one-way communication from top to bottom to obey the commands and orders coming from the hierarchies or high commands. 

No value to low-level leaders

High-level BJP leaders did not care about BJP leaders working at the bottom lines or grassroots levels. District and block-level leaders avoided grass-root level leaders and did not feel the necessity of their involvement and active participation in organizational policies and politics. They neglected them and did not allow them when they approached them with their opinions and problems.

High-level BJP leaders needed them- only when they required many numbers to show off to their high commands or higher authorities to prove the success of a program and steal some amount allotted for the program. To keep more money in their pockets, they used to organize a program and run it until all gather there and they can take pictures of the gatherings to send those to their higher authorities. They cut short the program and released all people (with no refreshments, transport costs or even a cup of tea) immediately after taking many pictures of them.

No confidence and security for the bottom line or booth level leaders

Many booth-level leaders, who run the party at a low level, paying from their pocket, did not receive any value from the party. They lose in three ways- run the party from their pocket, invest time in a program (avoiding their duties and responsibilities to feed their families and earn livelihoods for them), and spend money for transportation when they need to go to attend meetings. As a consequence of these, they become soft targets of the ruling parties and receive attacks and fake police cases as an active BJP party member. When they seek help from high-level BJP leaders to save them and help them escape from adverse situations created by the police and ruling party, high commands pay no heed to them. Consequently, they lose their confidence in the BJP party and subsequently become inactive.     

Weak on-ground election machinery 

Internal conflicts from the booth level to the state level made the state BJP very weak on ground election machinery. Much reliance on central leadership and incompetent leadership at various levels has worsened the situation. Lack of communication and coordination at many levels made Bengal BJP weak enough to counter TMC's narrative set for central funds, CAA and many sensitive issues like these.


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